Importance of Curd in Indian Culture

Dahi(Curd) is an essential part of most Indian households. Most of us would remember eating a spoonful of dahi-cheeni before stepping out of home or for any auspicious event. Not only does this bring back nostalgic memories, but this sweet treat also has some scientific benefits! The Indian traditional delicacy is very healthy for our body.

Dahi, curd, or yogurt is a wonder drug for the body. A superfood that aids digestion and acts as a natural laxative, curd also contains many vital nutrients in it like calcium, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-12, potassium, and magnesium. It is also easier on the stomach so for those who do not like having milk, curd can come to the rescue. It is easier to digest that way. 

According to Ayurveda, curd acts as a natural coolant for our body, which helps fight the heat. At the same time, cheeni (sugar) is an essential source of glucose. When you have them together, it has a magical effect on Our body.

It cools and soothes you, gives you an instant dose of energy that can get you through the day. It can even make up for the lost energy levels in no time! That is why it is especially suggested for students who are giving an exam to eat this concoction.

During any exam or stressful event, diet and nutrition often take a back seat. At such a time, having dahi-cheeni fuels up the body with the missing energy needed to perform a task and takes care of the nutrition.

Now that we dive deeper into the details, we find a lot of scientific evidence that backs this reasoning – firstly, curd has a cooling effect on the mind and body, which makes a person calmer, more grounded, and more present in the situation before them. This means the much-anticipated anxiety and nervousness you might feel before an important test or performance would be pretty much gotten off with the help of this cooling and healthy curd. This is significantly highlighted in warm regions like India, where getting a heated body is normal.

Also, as traditional systems of medicines say, yogurt or Dahi is 'Kapha-vardhak' in nature. Such foods are rich in nutrients that can de-stress and calm down the body. When you are relaxed and free from any negativity or stress, you tend to concentrate or recall things better as opposed to when you are too stressed. 

In the long term, curd and sugar when had together can also boost concentration and memory retention. It acts as a natural recharge drug for the brain and thus, boosts learning and memory retention.

Yogurt and shell give mental peace in one year. Love increases for others. One gets rid of unnecessarily speaking. One gets good sleep at night and anger reduces. Discord increases due to mangal dosh. In this case, mix yogurt with vermillion keeping it in pottery, and put it on the terrace.

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